Luna “The Lepidopterist” - FRC CRESCENDO 2024
Fast facts
1. One of the shortest robots 599 has ever produced at its highest point being less than 2 feet off the ground
2. Wristed Intake inspired by Frc 2013 and 2017 intakes to ensure easier note manipulation
3. Competed at Los Angeles Regional
599Z robot Zed 2023 and 2024 VEX Robotics Competition Over Under
Fast facts
1. Zed’s height during matches was only 5.78 inches
2. Zed was able to do everything that the game ask of a robot, including climb, de-score, and be able to score triballs.
599Z: Excellence Award at Rumble in the Jungle
599Z robot Valid 2023 and 2024 VEX Robotics Competition Over Under
Fast facts
1. This was the first VEX Catapult built by 599
2. During the match, Valid’s catapult speed was set to launch 2.14 triballs per second, making it one of the fastest match loading in the competition.
Barry “The Bacteriologist” - FRC Charged Up 2023
Fast facts
1. Barry had the first elevator that the Robodox has built in 5.5 years.
2. Barry was the first 599 robot made of bent sheet metal.
fast facts
Carter qualified and competed in FRC’s World Championship in Houston, TX. This was the team’s second time in a row, going to worlds.
Competition Focus: Pick up cones and cubes then score them on grids. For the endgame, robots needed to balance themselves on a charge station.
Carter was originally named Prometheus the Pathologist.
FRC Ventura Regional 2023 - Team Sustainability Award
FRC Ventura Regional 2023 - Dean’s List Finalist (Angel Yanga)
FRC San Diego Regional 2023 - Quality Award
FRC San Diego Regional 2023 - Wildcard
FRC San Diego Regional 2023 - Finalist
FRC Silicon Valley Regional 2023 - Jim Beck Memorial Award (Danielle Trinh)
FRC Tidal Tumble 2023 - Finalist
599a, 599b - 2022 and 2023 VEX Robotics Competition
Fast facts
These VEX robots competed in the SPIN UP season
Competition Focus: robots play on a 12’ x 12’ square field and have to score “discs” into netted goals, colored rollers based on team alliances are found near the corners of the game walls and could be spun to that team’s alliance color for points + expand the robot to nearby tiles for expansion points
Both robots participated in the OCSA Tournament and VEX Downey Competition
599A won Tournament Finalists in Clash of the Canyons
Bilbert “the biologist” - FRC Rapid react 2022
fast facts
This season Bilbert competed in two events, Tidal Tumble and Beach Blitz where we reached the finalist stage
Our team took a major undertaking, as this was the first time we built a robot using swerve drive and experimented with this type of technology.
FRC Beach Blitz 2022 - Team Grant Award
FRC Beach Blitz 2022 - Finalist
ozzy “the Ophthalmologist” - FRC Rapid React 2022
fast facts
Our 2022 FRC Rapid React Robot took inspiration from the EVERYBOT of team 118
Season’s Game Focus: scoring cargo balls into the lower or upper hubs found in the center of the field and traversing through four unique rungs with different heights
This was the first season that the Robodox brought home a blue banner as a Regional Winner!
FRC Los Angeles Regional 2022 - Winner
FRC Los Angeles Regional 2022 - Wildcard for Houston Championships
CAD - download/view
Phoebe “the phthisiologist” - frc Infinite Recharge 2020
Fast Facts
Was built and ready for competition despite the COVID-19 Pandemic
Competed in the INFINITE RECHARGE who partnered with Lucasfilm as part of its Star Wars: Force of Change initiative
During competition, Phoebe shot “power cells” into three ports
FRC Tidal Tumble 2021 - Winner
599a, 599b, 599c - 2018 and 2019 VEX Robotics Competition
Fast facts
Our VEX team manufactured and brought this to participate in TURNING POINT
Competition Focus: robots fitting 18x18x18 cube have to flip and score caps to their alliance color + shoot balls to reorient flags at multiple high levels
599A: Excellence (Reseda)
599B: 2x Design (Reseda, Compton), Sportsmanship (Reseda)
599C: Tournament Champion (Magnolia), Excellence (Magnolia), 2x Robot Skills (Holmes, Magnolia), Design (California State), Think Award (VEX Worlds - Math Division)
cad (599c) - download/view
Patty “the pathologist” - frc DESTINATION DEEP SPACE 2019
FAST facts
Participated in DESTINATION: DEEP SPACE presented by the Boeing Company
Patty is able hatch panels as well as cargo balls into a Cargo and Rocket Ship + climb a 6” tall platform
Gracious Professionalism (LA North Regional)
FIRST Dean’s List Finalist Award (Alison Wang)
Gracious Professionalism (Ventura Regional)
Ventura Regional #4 Seed
Emma “The Embryologist” - FRC Power Up 2018
Competed in FIRST Power Up
Emma can place Power Cubes onto a high scale and a low switch + climb a rung with a deployable buddy bar allowing a partner to “Face the Boss”
2018 Woodie Flowers Finalist Award: Aerospace Valley Regional
599A - 2018 “Crisis Averted” Vex robotics competition
2018 VEX Tournament Champion: Rumble in the Jungle
2018 VEX Tournament Champion: McBride High School VEX Tourney #2
2018 VEX Tournament Champion: California States Championship
"Ruby" the Rheumatologist - frc Steamworks 2017
Fast facts
Our Ruby competed in the FIRST Steamworks
Where she put large yellow gears onto pegs + climbed a rope in order to get ready for take off
This year was the first time in Robodox history where the team qualified for both VEX and FRC World Championships
Awards from our frc team
2017 FIRST Robotics Industrial Design Award: Ventura Regional
2017 First Robotics Regional Finalists: Orange County Regional
2017 FIRST Robotics Quality Award: Orange County Regional
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"Ruby" the Rheumatologist - Vex starstruck 2017
fast facts
Ruby also competed in Starstruck
Where our VEX team had to score stars + cubes in their goals
2017 VEX Robotics Excellence Award
2017 VEX Robotics Excellence Award: California State VEX Championships
"Neo" the neonatologist - FRC stronghold 2016
fast facts
Neo competed in FIRST STRONGHOLD
Where he went over medieval-inspired obstacles + shot "boulders" at goals in order to capture the other alliance's "castle"
With its pivoting catapult system + tank treads, Neo is recognized as one of Robodox finest robots engineered
2016 FIRST Robotics Excellence in Engineering Award: Ventura Regional
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"He-Man" the hematologist - frc recycle bush 2015
fast facts
He-Man competed in Recycle Bush
Where robots focused on stacking totes + bins
The most successful part of the He-Man was its long arms
2015 FIRST Robotics Gracious Professionalism: Long Beach Regional
2015 FIRST Robotics Judge’s Award: Ventura Regional
"He-Man" the hematologist- vex Nothing but net 2015
fast facts
The He-Man also went to the VEX Competition Nothing but Net
This game’s focus is to collet as many points as you can by scoring different types of balls
2014 VEX Robotics Excellence Award
2015 VEX Robotics Programming Skills Champion: California State VEX Championship
"Annie" the anesthesiologist - frc aerial assist 2014
fast facts
Annie competed in Aerial Assist
Where robots focused on launching balls into goals in order to earn points
Annie is remembered as one of Robodox’s most successful robot
2014 FIRST Robotics Fall Classic Aerial Assist Champion
2014 FIRST Robotics Competition Finalist: Inland Empire Regional
2014 FIRST Robotics Competition Gracious Professionalism: Sacramento Regional
2014 GHCHS Academic Team of the Month: November 2014
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"Annie" the anesthesiologist - vex skyrise 2014
fast facts
Annie also headed over to compete in Skyrise
VEX team scored cubes, owned posts, and built their own skyrise section
2014 VEX Robotics Judge’s Award
2014 VEX Robotics Tournament Champion
Medic - frc ultimate ascent 2013
fast facts
This invincible Medic competed in the Ultimate Ascent
Robots launched frisbees into complex goals.
2013 FIRST Robotics Competition Finalist: Los Angeles Regional
2013 FIRST Robotics Competition Gracious Professionalism: San Diego Regional
medic - VEX toss up 2013
fast facts
The Medic also competed in the VEX competition Toss Up
This game’s focus was to throw large balls into various zones + have your robot hanging on the bar with a ball
2013 VEX Robotics Sportsmanship Award
2012 VEX Robotics Tournament Championship
"Radio" the radiologist - frc rebound rumble 2012
fast facts
Radio competed in Rebound Rumble
Where robots focused on shooting foam basketballs into multiple hoops
2012 FIRST Robotics Gracious Professionalism: San Diego Regional
"Radio" the radiologist - VEX sack attack 2012
fast facts
Our Radio also went to Sack Attack
Where our VEX team had to score sacks to collect points + have the robot touch their Alliance Starting Tiles
2011 VEX Robotics Create Award
2011 VEX Robotics Design Award
2011 VEX Robotics Innovate Award
2011 VEX Robotics Programming Skills Champion
2011 VEX Robotics Robot Skills Champion (4x)
2011 VEX Robotics Tournament Champion
2011 Chiropractor- “Chiro”
fast facts
Chiro competed in Logomotion
Where robots had to creatively create the FIRST logo using different items
2011 FIRST Robotics Competition Imagery: Los Angeles Regional
2011 Chiropractor “Chiro” - VEX round up
Fast facts
Chiro also competed in the VEX competition Round Up
The game focus was to score tubes upon goal posts + own goal posts + have your robot hanging of the ladder
2010 VEX Robotics Programming Skills Champion
2010 VEX Robotics Programming Skills Champion
2010 VEX Robotics Tournament Champion (3x)
2010 VEX Robotics Tournament Finalist
2010 Cardiologist
Fast facts
Our Cardiologist competed in Breakaway
There was an all-out war, as robots fought to collect soccer balls for their goals
2010 FIRST Robotics Gracious Professionalism: San Diego Regional
2010 Cardiologist - vex clean sweep
fast facts
Cardiologist also competed in Clean Sweep
Where our VEX team worked to move as many balls as they can to their field + “locking up” small balls in the triangular goals
2009 VEX Robotics Excellence Award
2009 VEX Robotics Think Award
2009 Neurologist
fast facts
This Neurologist competed in Lunacy
In honor of the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, robots had to focus on gathering as many moon pieces as possible + and dumping them into their opponent’s trailers
2009 FIRST Robotics Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism: Sacramento Regional
2009 FIRST Robotics Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism: Los Angeles Regional
2009 neurologist - vex elevation
fast facts
The Neurologist also competed in Elevation
Where you earn points by placing cubes into your goals + “owning goals” + “parking” on the platform + “controlling” the bonus cube
2008 VEX Robotics Programming Skills Champion (2x)
2008 SupportVEX
2008 Physician
fast facts
Physician competed in Overdrive
Where robots were forced to run laps during the same time as they were manipulating large balls on the overpass
2008 FIRST Robotics Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism: Los Angeles Regional
2008 FIRST Robotics Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism: San Diego Regional
2008 physician - vex bridge battle
fast facts
Our Physician also competed in Bridge Battle
Where our VEX team placed tennis balls + bonus balls into their goals
2008 VEX Robotics World Championship Community
2007 <Default>
fast facts
<Default> competed in Rack ‘n Roll
Where robots had to place pool noodles in neat rows
This robot got its unique name after the deadline passed to submit an official name
2007 FIRST Robotics Judge’s Award: San Diego Regional
2006 Dermatologist- “Dermo”
fast facts
Dermo competed in Aim High
Where they played basketball, but in robo style
This robot is known as “Ghetto Sexy” because it was built using cardboard, white board, parts found in the trash, and surprisedly your everyday blue jeans
2006 FIRST Robotics Regional Finalist: Southern California Regional
2006 FIRST Robotics General Motors Industrial Design: Southern California Regional
2006 FIRST Robotics Radio Shack Innovation: Central Award Arizona Regional
2005 Psychologist- “Psycho”
fast facts
Psycho competed in Triple Play
Where it brought as back to the ancient times, as robots had to stack pyramid after pyramid
Psycho is one of Robodox’s most successful robots
2005 FIRST Robotics Johnson & Johnson Sportsmanship: Southern California Regional
2004 Therapist
fast facts
Therapist competed in FIRST Frenzy
Where instead of humans, it manipulated several balls into different types of goals
This was the beginning of our 6 wheel drive
2004 FIRST Robotics Johnson & Johnson Sportsmanship Award
2003 Dentist
fast facts
The Dentist competed in Stack Attack
Where instead of claiming teeth, it focused on boxes + and stacking them to win the most points
Since there were no limit switches, its motor-driven arms were preemptively changed to pneumatics
2003 FIRST Robotics Regional Finalist: Sacramento Regional
2003 FIRST Robotics Johnson & Johnson Sportsmanship: Sacramento Regional
2002 surgeon
fast facts
Surgeon competed in Zone Zeal
The competition focused on robots moving goals + balls into various zones in order to accumulate as much as points possible
In order for the Surgeon to turn, our engineers had to wrap zip ties around the front wheels to prevent it from slipping
Surgeon was famously known for being a “Marriage Destroyer”, as three mentors mysteriously forgot about Valentine’s Day as they worked on this robot
2002 FIRST Robotics Kleiner Perkins Claufield and Byers Entrepreneurship: Southern California Regional
2001 drastically overcomplicated team Operated robot- “d.o.c.t.o.r”
fast facts
Our first FRC robot that was independently build from our Team 599
Competition was Diabolical Dynamics: robots had to score into two 7 foot moving goals as fast as they can
Built for disaster, the D.O.C.T.O.R slammed into the player station during the competition and later broke in half
2001 FIRST Robotics Highest Rookie Seed: Southern California Regional
2000 Bender
fast facts
Bender was constructed when GHCHS was a part of a 5 team coalition + we were known as Team 396 rather than today’s Team 599
This particular robot was not built on our main campus today (GHCHS), but rather in a special effects company in Chatsworth, CA.
The main student that worked on this project was David Haas, who was legally blind